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Indulge in our exclusive promotions and discounts to elevate your weekend rituals. From cozy knitwearwear to stylish handmade jewelery , our curated collection offers something for everyone. Don't miss out on the opportunity to enhance your weekend experiences with our high-quality products .
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Our Story
Crafting Comfort and Style
Welcome to Weekend Rituals, your go-to online store for timeless and unique handmade knitwear.
Founded in 2021 by Deniz Ozkan and her mother Uma.The craft of knitting was passed down from woman to woman in Deniz"s family ;from her great-grandmother to her mother.​​
Our thoughtfully designed handcrafted knitwear, made with love and care by our skilled artisans. Each piece is crafted with attention to detail and quality, ensuring that it will become a cherished addition to your wardrobe. From our hands to yours, we invite you to experience the warmth and comfort of our knitwear.
Our knitwear is the modern perspective on a traditional craft. The personality of each piece reflects a luxury that is rooted in the handmade.